
We are very proud to announce our new strategic partnership with the BJS Society! BJS is the premier peer-reviewed surgical journal in Europe and one of the top surgical journals in the world with an international readership!
The BJS Society are committed to advancing and improving education in surgery, and in supporting aspiring surgeons across the world. They have been instrumental in providing support to STARSurg since 2017, allowing us to continue encouraging students and junior doctors around the world to gain experience in surgery and research. We join similar organisations like the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) who also enjoy this form of partnership with the BJS Society.
With our new strategic partnership, this allows STARSurg to bring a range of exciting benefits & opportunities from BJS to our collaborators for a minimal annual subscription! (£10, €11). This includes:
1. Online subscription to the BJS journals:
This will provide full access to all papers across the BJS journals!
2. Access to the upcoming BJS Academy content (www.bjsacademy.com):
- BJS Academy aims to support the development of current and aspiring surgeons worldwide by championing research and collaboration.
- There will be a huge variety of resources to enhance understanding and conduct of cutting-edge surgical research, including access to recordings of national and international conferences!
3. Membership of the Young BJS initiative:
- This is a growing community of early-career researchers who are interested in surgical academia, with opportunities for mentorship by the BJS editorial team!